What is the name of the business?

The name of my business is KlipperHD. KlipperHD is a gaming channel where gamers can view with the sole aim of entertainment or information in the gaming space.

Do you have any competition in your business?

Yes, I do. There are millions of streamers all around the world with each of them having their unique personalities.

How will a person search for the services you are providing?

KlipperHD can be found on youtube by searching the name “KlipperHD” or searching any of the tags associated with the page such as “Nigerian Gamer” etc.

How many people you have already attracted to your channel?

I have been able to attract 405 viewers to the KlipperHD YouTube page.

Is there any collaboration with any well-known gamer who will initially promote your business?

There are no current collaborations with well-known gamers but there will be in the future.

who are your sponsors, and why there is nothing about them on your site?

Sponsors are companies that recognize your channel’s growth and want you to advertise their products to your community. I did not make any mention of them in the plan because I do not know which companies I would partner up with in the near future. I just have to keep growing to attract them.

Can you explain your revenue stream, you mentioned on your business website that you have around 400 plus subscribers. How many views do you have in each video?

I do not make any revenue at the moment because I have not become a partner with YouTube. I have to get 500 subcribers and 4000 watch hours. Once I reach this milestone, I can redeem the revenue for the thousands of views i currently have

how many other customers join you in your daily livestream?

I currently average 5 viewers per livestream.

What kind of services you are going to provide me after the subscription?

As a subscriber, you get access to

Easy Access to Content: Subscribing to a channel makes it easier to access new videos from favorite creators as they are published, directly in the subscriber’s feed.
Notifications: Subscribers can opt to receive notifications when new content is uploaded, ensuring they don’t miss any updates.
Supporting Creators: Subscriptions help support content creators, allowing them to continue making engaging and entertaining gaming content.
Exclusive Perks: Some gaming channels may offer exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes footage or subscriber-only live streams.
Community Engagement: Subscribers can interact with the gaming community through comments and live chats during streams, fostering a sense of belonging and shared interest.

why I should hang around with you in your live streams, I can just join some well-recognized gamer or live streamer.

Watching my channel is a matter of connection with my personality. Everyone has different preferences and I believe that if you are looking for an African a really good sense of humor, you will want watch my channel.